Fingal Juniors Team Trophy, founded in 1997 to:

  • Provide juniors with weekly, Inter Club League Golf competitions, during the summer school holidays.
  • Broaden the golfing experience of juniors, by enabling them compete on the participating Clubs' courses.
  • Encourage the participating Clubs' juniors, to advance and develop to the full their golfing potential , and to represent their Club, their Province and their Country.

    Inter Club League Competition

    Dangerous/Bad weather conditions
    The Host Clubs Convenor, after discussion with one of the Organising Committee, has the authority to call off an outing in the event that he/she thinks  it is too dangerous for the boys to continue on the golf course.

      Players with DisabilitiesThe committee has adopted the ‘Modified Rules of Golf for Players with Disabilities’ so that players with disabilities can play fairly with players who have no disabilities. In particular this modifies the competition rules with regard to both caddies and advice and assistance.

      As this is a Junior golf competition, it has been decided that no person, including team managers may give advice or help to a player once their round of golf has started.

      Age Limit
      Under 20 years on January 1st in playing year.
      Handicap limit
      Maximum 28, Minimum none.
      Playing Handicap
      Actual handicap on day of play subject to max. of 28.
      Number of Players
      4 from each Club

      No practice rounds are available from the host Clubs in advance of the competition.
      Unless exceptional circumstances arise, Clubs host the competition once every 2 years
      Playing Format
      Singles stableford, in groups of 3 or 4, (preferably in 3s) each from a separate club. (if a player is out at a hole, please lift ball to avoid slow play)
      Team Result
      Determined on net scores
      Prior to Tee off
      Names and handicaps of players, on visiting club's letter headed paper, must be given to the host club's convenor 15 minutes prior to tee off. To enter competition use your GUI swipe card on the computer provided. At end of your round enter your score on the computer. Hand in your card.
      Playing Tees
      As nominated by Host club. NOT MEDAL TEES
      Standard Scratch
      A CSS will be assessed by each hosting Club by entering all players names on their computer. All players will enter their scores on the computer on completion of their round. Players handicaps on cards being entered into the computer will be their actual handicaps. The Host Convenor will then adjust the scores for anyone with a handicap over the maximum of 28.
      None allowed - see exception at start of rules
      Competition confined to G.U.I. members
      Must wear golf shoes, no denim jeans or patch trousers allowed.
      Golf Shirts, Not Football Shirts, must be worn. If possible all Players should wear their Club shirts/jumpers
      Home Club
      Each player must declare his home club. This is player's club for duration of the competition. Violation of this rule means disqualification of the individual. (Not the club)
      Entry fee (Fingal League and Fingal Foursomes)
      Each Club pays the agreed annual entry fee.
      It is preferable that each club's convenor or other adult remain until their team has finished golf and had their refreshments. It is important that on the final day, all teams and convenors wait for the presentations.
      Team scoring
      Total of best 3 cards (net scores) from each club to count on the day :

       Best Club score gets…………………….20 points

Runner up score gets…………………..18 points

3rd club score gets…………………………16 points

4th club score gets…………………………15 points

5th club score gets…………………………14 points

6th club score gets…………………………13  points

7th club score gets………………………   12 points

8th club score gets………………………… 11 points

9th club score gets………………………… 10  points

10th club score gets………………………  9  points

11th club score gets……………………..  8  points

12th club score gets……………………..  7  points

13th club score gets……………………..  6  points

14th club score gets……………………..  5  points

15th club score gets……………………..  4 points

16th club score gets……………………..  3  points

 In the event of a tie on the day, each club shall earn the number of points for that placing. The next team gets the points for their placing as if no tie had occurred e.g. two tie for 8th best score on the day – each gets 11 points, next gets 10 points  for 9th best score on the day.

Final Day Time sheet

The 3 or 4 leading teams will go out last on the final day. The time sheet for the last day will NOT be done until after the 7th week. This will help to create a bit of excitement on the last day.

Final day scoring

In the event of a tie at the end of the competition,

The best 7 outings by the tied clubs shall count

then the best 6 outings by the tied clubs shall count

then the best 5 outings by the tied clubs shall count

then the best 4 outings by the tied clubs shall count

then the best 3 outings by the tied clubs shall count

then the best 2 outings by the tied clubs shall count

then the best outing by the tied clubs shall count.

In the event of there still being a tie, the winner will be drawn by lot.


It is preferable that each Clubs convenor or other adult remain until their team has finished golf and had their refreshments. It is important that on the final day, all teams and convenors wait for the presentations.


Team Trophy Rules
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